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See the Hatfield website at to see the Pennsylvania line of Hatfields. We call this line of Hatfields “The Pennsylvania Hatfields” to differentiate them from the “feuding” Hatfields, which is called “The Southwest Virginia Hatfields” and the “Matthias” line of those descended from Matthias Hatfield, b. 1640.
This info from Jerry Hatfield’s website:
“Current research on the Hatfield DNA project throws doubt into the link between the John and Catherine Supplee Hatfields and Jurian Hartsvelder descendants as originally researched by Drs. Oliver Weaver and Galen Hatfield. I have separated these lines for now. This separation was made at John Hatfield, ancestor to John who married Catherine Supplee. This is an arbitrary decision made primarily due to the 1st Presbyterian Church records which appear to be a common element with this John’s children. It is likely that further adjustments will be necessary as more information can be determined.
Also, it should be noted, that current Hatfield DNA testing shows that the John and Catherine Supplee Hatfields under this line are NOT related to the Matthias Hatfields either.”
Please note that the Jurian/Georgius Hartsvelder shown as Number 1 on Jerry’s page is NOT the father of John Hatfield! DNA testing has PROVEN that Jurian is NOT in this line of Pennsylvania Hatfields. Scroll down to (the 2nd) Number 1 JOHN HATFIELD ( b. 1717 PA), as he is the first proven ancestor in this line of Hatfields, called the “Pennsylvania” Hatfields.
In this line of Hatfields, we start with John Hatfield, who was born about 1690 in Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. We do not know who his father was, or from what country this line of Hatfields emmigrated. John married a woman named Elizabeth and we do not know her last name. I have seen trees with her surname as Travis, but I have no proof of that.
I believe that the town of Hatfield, Pennsylvania was named for this John Hatfield for this reason:
. 1. John Hatfield b. ABT. 1690 Germantown, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania Events: 1717 [purchased 198 acres of land near Philadelphia] PA Locations: before 1717 Maidenhead, Hunterdon Co., Province of West NJ; 1717 Upper Dublin Twp, Philadelphia Co, PA
- In the book Pennsylvania and its public men, By Samuel Hudson, pg. 370, “John Hatfield, another ancestor, in 1734 had a plantation in Montgomery County in Hatfield Township, which took its name from the family.
+ Elizabeth ?
.. 2. John Hatfield, b. 1717 PA?
- John Hatfield, who married Catherine Supplee at the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in November of 1739, is the son of another John Hatfield and his wife Elizabeth. The first record for the father John appears in 1717 when “John Hadfield, late of Maidenhead in the County of Hunterdon in the Province of West New Jersey but now of Upper Dublin Township in the County of Philadelphia…” purchased 198 acres of land near Philadelphia. John and Elizabeth had 6 children named Sarah (who married Anthony Kunders), Jane (who married James Conrad), Elizabeth (who married Henry Dismant), Suzannah (who married Joseph Turner), Adam (who married Mary Cleaver), and John (who married Catherine Supplee).
+Catherine Supplee, m. 20 Nov 1736 1st Presb. Church, Philadelphia, PA

… 3. Andrew Supplee Hatfield, b. 25 Jul 1737 Philadelphia, PA; d. 15 Jan 1813 Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
+Christina Snidow/Powell, b. abt. 1740 VA; m. ca 1759 Kanawha Co., VA; d. 25 Oct 1809 Cabell Co, VA (now WV) (It is believed that Christina Powell might have been married to a Powell, and that her maiden name might have been Snidow; however, I can find no source for that surname and many Snidows dispute that she was a Snidow.)

…. 4. Nancy Catherine Hatfield, b. 25 Oct 1760 Loudoun Co., VA; d. ca 1845 Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
+John McComas, b. 15 Oct 1757 NC; m. 21 Feb 1786 Montgomery Co., VA; d. 31 Mar 1837

Below is a document certifying that John McComas was a soldier during the Revolutionary War, signed by Andrew Hatfield, Esq. This was in the pension file of John McComas.
…. 4. Isaac Hatfield, b. 3 Aug 1763 Loudoun Co., VA; d. 1823 Ranger Ridge, Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
+ Mary French, b. ca 1763 Cooper Co., WV; m. 13 May 1788 Montgomery Co., VA
…. 4. John Hatfield, b. 19 Dec 1765 Loudoun Co., VA
+ Mary McComas, b. ca 1770; m. 26 Feb 1788 Montgomery Co., VA
…. 4. William L. Hatfield, b. ca 1767; d. ca 1840 Fayette Co., OH
+ Anna Brumfield, m. 2 Apr 1793 Montgomery Co., VA
….. 4. Andrew Hatfield Jr., b. 1769 Montgomery Co., VA; d. Apr 1836 Carroll Co., IN (?)
+ Mary Mann, b. 1769 VA; m. 13 Oct 1798; d. bet 1806-1836 (SEE MY ANDREW HATFIELD WEBPAGE)
…. 4. Jonas Hatfield, b. 1772 Botetourt Co., VA; d. 1840 LaPorte Co., IN
+ Nancy Ann Williams, b. 1782 NC; m. 8 Aug 1801 Montgomery Co., VA
…. 4. Adam Hatfield, b. 19 Oct 1774 Montgomery Co., VA; d. 18 Jun 1865 Inez, Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
+ Mary “Polly” Williams, b. 12 Feb 1782; m. 3 Dec 1799 Cabell Co., VA; d. 15 Nov 1847 Inez, Cabell Co., VA (now WV)
…. 4. Thomas S. Hatfield, b. 8 Apr 1777 Montgomery Co., VA; d. 21 Jun 1859 Hancock Co., IN
+ Hannah Sample, b. 25 Nov 1785 Knox Co., TN; m. 1804 Kanawha Co., VA; d. 4 Sep 1860 IN
…. 4. Moses Hatfield, b. 1780; d. 1835 (lived in Cincinatti, OH)
+ Catherine John, b. 1780; m. 12 Nov 1805 Greene Co., OH; d. 1838
…. 4. Sarah “Sally” Hatfield, b. 3 Feb 1783 Botetout Co., VA; d. 25 Jun 1869 Eden, Hancock Co., IN
+ James Edward Barrett, b. 1783; m. 01 June 1802 Kanawha Co., VA; d. 01 Aug 1840
… 3. Thomas “Big” Hatfield b. 1738 Philadelphia, PA d. 1797 Grayson Co, KY *
(* Source for Thomas Hatfield: History of Brown County, Ohio, Published 1883
+ Jane Adams b: 25 Dec, d: 08 Jan in Syracuse, NY
… 3. Elizabeth Jane Hatfield b: 1739 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, d: Aft. 1805
… 3. Edward Hatfield b: 1739 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, d: Aft. 1805
… 3. Adam Hatfield b: 03 Nov 1741 in Philadelphia, PA, d: 09 Nov 1795 in Cincinnati, Clermont, Ohio
+ Margaret Dilworth b: 1750 in Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, m: 1772 in Westmoreland Co., PA, d: 10 Oct 1821 in Wayne Co., Ohio
… 3. Sarah Hatfield b: 16 Dec 1743 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; d: Aft. 1805
… 3. John Hatfield b: 01 May 1745 in Oxford Twp., Philadelphia, PA, d: 04 Aug 1813 in Middle Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania
+ Sarah Patton b: 10 Feb 1756, m: 02 Jan 1775 in Paxtang Township, Lancaster Co., PA, d: 21 Jul 1788 in Middle Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania
+ Elizabeth Cochran m: 29 Jan 1789 in Middle Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA, d: 29 Jan 1793 in Middle Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania
+ Nancy Berryhill b: 1767, m: 09 Oct 1794 in Middle Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA, d: 29 Aug 1850
… 3. Mary Elizabeth Hatfield b: 1749 in , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The other descendants of the children of John Hatfield & Catherine Supplee can be seen on Jerry Hatfield’s website at
Andrew Supplee Hatfield
We will now focus on Andrew Supplee Hatfield and his children, since little is known of Andrew’s ancestors. Much is known about Andrew and there are many records that survive.
Several of the books written on the Feuding Hatfield family incorrectly state that Andrew Supplee Hatfield was the progenitor of the feuding Hatfields. That is INCORRECT! Because Andrew Supplee Hatfield lived very near the feuding Hatfields, some just surmised that he “must” be related. Male Y-DNA testing has now PROVEN that he is not. It is just coincidence that the two unrelated Hatfield families lived near one another.
Andrew Supplee Hatfield was born in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania on 25 July 1737 to John Hatfield and his wife Catherine (Supplee) Hatfield. Few records exist from that time; however, the account of their marriage is above. Andrew’s middle name is his mother’s maiden name — Supplee.
After his parents’ death and sometime before his marriage to Catherine Supplee, Andrew left Pennsylvania and moved to Loudoun County, Virginia. Andrew married Christina Powell (maiden name could be Snidow, so Powell could be her name from a first marriage) in 1759 in Kanawha Co., Virginia. In August of 1768, along with his brother Adam, he sold a parcel of land they had purchased together in 1761.

Andrew shows up in court, and was tithable, throughout the 1760s in Loudoun County.
It’s important to note that four other states — Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia — include significant territories once part of Colonial Virginia. The details of boundary changes are on,_cities,_and_towns_of_Virginia. Virginia counties changed and counties were added often and so when one is researching this Hatfield family, it might appear that they moved frequently, when in fact, county boundaries changed around them.
Andrew first appears in records in Botetourt County, Virginia in 1770. Prior to 1773 he moved with his family to what is now Giles County, Virginia and settled on Big Stoney Creek, a tributary of the New River, where his family built the Hatfield Fort, an outpost to guard against Indian depredations. Andrew had settled on lands west of the Proclamation of 1763 which the British had forbidden settlement on to protect Indian territory. The place where the Hatfield Fort was located (Giles County) is still today called the Hatfield Voting Precinct. Captain Thomas Burk was in charge of the Fort and Andrew Hatfield was a member of his company.
Battle of Point Pleasant

Andrew Supplee Hatfield fought in the Battle of Point Pleasant. In Oct. 2009 I visited Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The Battle of Point Pleasant — known as the Battle of Kanawha in some older accounts — was the only major action of Dunmore’s War. It was fought on October 10, 1774, primarily between Virginia militia and Indians from the Shawnee and Mingo tribes. … After a long and furious battle, Cornstalk retreated. There is a “mansion,” (photo above) which was built as a tavern that was built in late 1796 that is located at the battle site park and in that house there is a booklet that is sold that lists Andrew as a participant in that battle.

In the book Documentary History of Dunmore’s War, on page 398, the following is written:
“[Thomas Burk to Col. William Preston. 3QQ31.]
Sir — I have perceedd. According to your Directions as Near as poseble & has oppointd. Eleven out of Thirty four all Able Bodyd. Men. Pleas to Excuse My Short Writting for I Expect to be over With These from you Humb. Sert.
(Signed) Thomas Burk.
May ye 20th 1774
Humphrey Brumfield
Andrew Hatfield *
John Man**
To: Capt. William Preston, Fincastle County, Virginia”
*On the 6th line down of the men listed is Andrew Hatfield. Also listed is Umphry Brumfield. This is actually Humphrey Brumfield, who is related to Andrew Hatfield by marriage. In addition, John Man (should be Mann) is listed. He is Andrew’s son’s father-in-law.
The city of Point Pleasant (now in West Virginia) is located at the confluence of the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers. It is one of the oldest cities along the river. The city was first named by George Washington in 1770 when he called it “a pleasant point.” In 1776 Andrew Supplee Hatfield, then 39 years old, and already the father of seven children, settled in the area and built a fort, called Hatfield’s Fort on Big Stoney Creek. Several men were assigned to defend that fort from the Indians.

The Documentary History of of Dunmore’s War, 1774, page Xii, the author states: “As early in the spring as practicable, surveyors continued the work of the previous year, exploring and locating lands in Kentucky. At the request of Washington and other prominent Easter men, Colonel William Preston, official surveyor for Augusta County, dispatched several parties to lay out tracts for colonial officers entitled to land grants for military services. One of Preston’s parties advanced down the Kanawha River and as far along the Ohio as the little Guyandotte, where Floyd writes of the indignities inflicted upon several persons by neighboring Shawnee.” Now since Captain Andrew Hatfield was the officer who replaced Colonel Andrew Lewis after his death, it stands to reason why it is entirely possible that he did survey with Daniel Boone, which is documented in the book Trans-Allegheny Pioneers by John P. Hale: pg. 170, which states: “[Daniel] Boone spent much of his time in surveying while here. Mt. T. A. Mathews, surveyor, tells me that in rerunning the lines of two surveys, of one hundred thousand acres each, running from the site of Boone C. H. (?) to the Kentucky line. he finds the lines plainly marked and the names of the party cut in the bark of the trees still legible; they were: ‘Daniel Boone, George Arnold, Edmund PRICE, Thomas Upton and Andrew HATFIELD. 1795′”
Battle of Point Pleasant Monument
Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Cabell County, West Virginia
Andrew appears in Fincastle County surveys twice in February, 1775 on Big Stoney Creek, listed below:
In the book Highlights in the Early History of Montgomery County (Virginia), Section I, The Landseekers, Their Marriages and Social Life on the Western Waters, Chapter I, The Land Records of Fincastle and Montgomery Counties, The Entries, Book A, “November 14, 1782, Andrew Hatfield, Commissioner’s certificate, 400 acres on Big Stoney Creek, branch of New River, 186 acres of which surveyed February 6, 1775 in two surveys, settled 1771.”
The info below is from the book Early Adventurers On The Western Waters, Vol. II, The New River of Virginia in Pioneer Days 1745-1800, by Mary B. Kegley, 2003
David Johnson withdraws his entry of 500 acres made on the road between Sinking Creek and Andrew Hatfield’s and enters 370 acres on east side of New River at a place known by the name of Sink Hole Place, to begin at the sd. sink hole and extend across the Mallatto Hill.
March 21, Thomas Marshall, assignee of David Johnson, assignee of Peter Saunders, state warrant for 500 acres, enters 40 acres on Big Stoney Creek of New River under Butt Mountain at a place known by the name of Camp Hollow to begin at some sugar trees, corner Hatfield’s land and to extend across the spur of sd. mountain so as to include Camp Hollow and also spring near Hatfield’s.
November 14, Andrew Hatfield, Commissioner’s certificate, 400 acres on Big Stoney Creek branch of New River, 186 acres of which surveyed February 6, 1775 in two surveys.
Dec. 2, 1782: Andrew Hatfield, assignee of James Brumfield, assignee of Peter Saunders, based on state warrant for 500 acres enters 106 acres on Big Stoney creek joining lower end of his survey (withdrawn December 19, 1786.)
On October 13, 1777 Andrew signed the Oath of Allegiance, which means that he renounced King George III of England and swore loyalty to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
On November 6, 1781 Andrew was appointed a Captain in the Virginia Militia. See page from the book Annals of Southwest Virginia, below:
Andrew came to the New River area in Virginia (present day West Virginia) to make gunpowder. He settled at the mouth of the Big Stony Creek in present Giles County and with the Brumfields mined saltpeter from big caves in Giles and manufactured gunpowder using the locally produced saltpeter and sulphur. He went to Cabell County West Virginia after the Revolutionary War.
On November 25, 1782 Patrick Henry granted land to Andrew Hatfield. See document, below:
Andrew is shown on a 1792 Tax List of Montgomery County, Virginia, below:
Andrew Supplee Hatfield is a DAR Patriot:
HATFIELD, ANDREW Ancestor #: A052948
Birth: 1730
Andrew and his family continued to live on Big Stoney Creek until September 15, 1802 when, on that date a deed that was recorded in Kanawha County because Cabell was not organized as a county until 1808. Andrew purchased 576 acres which was on both sides of the Guyandotte River in Cabell County — an area known as Hinchman Bend. That 576 acres was part of a larger tract of 1,000 acres which was formerly patented to Steven Wilson and Captain Andrew Hatfield and his five sons: John, William, Adam, Thomas, and Moses. The land was conveyed to Christian Snidow of Giles County (which was Montgomery County at that time), in exchange as partial payment of the purchase money for the Cabell County land. Andrew and those same sons all built homes on that land, which was in Roach, an unincorporated part of Cabell County. Andrew Hatfield Jr. had moved on to Indiana by this time and that is why he was not in on that deal. Moses never recorded his deed and instead moved on to what is now Cincinnati, Ohio. John, William, Thomas, and Adam recorded their deeds. It later developed that the same land had previously been patented to Richard Reynolds and that David McComas did not have a good title. In a Chancery suit in Cabell County in 1818, after Captain Andrew Hatfield had died, Richard Reynold’s grantees won the case and took title to the land. John, Thomas, William, and Adam Hatfield, as sons and heirs at law of Andrew Hatfield, instituted suit against Elisha McComas, David McComas, William McComas, and Christian Snidow to recover, on the breach of warranty to title made to their father David McComas, and obtained judgement against them for the value of the land as fixed by the jury.
The house above was the home of Andrew Supplee Hatfield. Under the siding was a log cabin. Before demolition it was the oldest house in Cabell County, West Virginia.
From “History of the Moses Hatfield Family: complete to 1940” by Tina (Hatfield) Ashworth, an unpublished family history found in the Hinchman Family Collection in Special Collections at Marshall University in Huntington, WV.
“Capt. Hatfield and his wife were buried on the inside bend of the river, where it makes a sharp turn to the West. Time and flood have erased nearly all trace of their graves.” (See photo above.)
The DAR put a plaque at the Hatfield Cemetery in Roach, West Virginia in 1950.
(c) Elaine Hatfield Powell 2022