James Vance [16877] Details

James Vance b.1857 ca - KY d. - ----- Parents ----- James Vance Mary Collins ----- Siblings ----- Jane Vance John Vance Elizabeth Vance James Vance Amy Vance
Elaine Vance: One cannot deny that the stabbing and shooting of Ellison Hatfield, the retaliatory killing of the McCoy brothers, and the Near Year's catastrophic killings were unthinkable acts of violence, with plenty of blame to go around. But, when one begins to look beyond the families of the Hatfields and McCoys, there are a lot of surprises and a lot of unanswered questions. There seems to be other casualties of the feud. Not only was Jim Vance likely killed in cold blood, but the assassination of his character adds insult to injury. Those that were left to defend his honor were all dead in a few short years after Jim's murder. In the book written by Squirrel Hunting Sam McCoy, he alludes to Jim Vance Jr. being threatened by someone in Pikeville. Sam stated, "Little Jim Vance, old man Vance's son, got to coming to Pikeville and he soon found out the next trip he made would be his last one." Jim Vance, Jr. and his father were business partners. Jim Jr. didn't marry until after the death of his father. He married Vicy Stepp on December 10, 1890. They had a son who was born on April 14, 1892. According to court testimony involving one of his siblings, we learn that Jim Vance Jr. died when his baby was only 1 or 2 months old. To date, I have not learned the circumstances of his death.   https://www.facebook.com/groups/hatfieldmmcoy/permalink/973404979403706/?c omment_id=973448529399351&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R2%22%7D

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